Wednesday, November 28, 2007

film review

Monster's Ball

This is a film I first saw long ago, but which made a big impact on me.Starring Halle Berry, Billy Bob Thornton
and Heath Ledger, and directed by Marc Foster, it tells the story of a racist, ultra-conservative prison officer
in charge of executing the inmates in the death row.
He meets an attractive black woman whose husband was sentenced to capital punishment and whose overweight child died in a car accident.
When the prison officer's son commits suicide, a strong bond is created between the lonely couple and he eventually manages to overcome his initial apprehension and lead a meaningful life next to her.
It is a deeply moving, gripping film that shows how personal, deep-rooted prejudices can be broken down in favour of a more tolerant outlook. It is also a film about loneliness and how pain draws people together.
The acting is superb, awarding Halle Berry an academy prize.
I would strongly recommend this film to adults loving good stories wonderfully told, to those who enjoy some food for thought, not just fun.

1 comment:

Anne said...

I haven't seen this, but your review recommends it to me!